Holy shit, I am getting all the false data, how to stop Google Analytics to track my own visits? How to block my IP from google analytics and get the data that would help me.
This is something that we all realize at some point in time.
If you a Blogger or a business website owner, I am sure you always keep an eye on your blog statistics to know how it’s performing. How much traffic you are getting, where you are getting from, how your users are behaving with your content. Is it being helpful, or leaving your site right away, hence an increase in the bounce rate?
But, are those stats accurate? Does Google Analytics include my own visits? If yes, That means that data is incorrect, hence you are working to improve your website with the wrong numbers.
Yeah, you heard it right, GA Calculates your own visits too. So how to stop Google Analytics to track your own visits.
Note: I am guessing, you might have already added Google Analytics to your website and check the statistics regularly. If not yet, do so.
Not to worry at all, yes there are several ways how your website can be excluded or stopped from Google Analytics to track your own views.
How to Stop Google Analytics To track My Own Visits?
Though as said, there are plenty of ways to do so, we will try first with Google analytics and see how do you exclude from Google Analytics to track your own views.
1. Check your IP Address – you can do it here, what’s my IP address. Leave the tab open.
2. Log in to Your Google Analytics Dashboard – Select that particular account where you want to make changes if you have more than one accounts.
3. Click on the Admin button – Located at the bottom left-hand side (Gear icon)
4. Select the desired account from where you would like your views not to be counted.
5. Now, click on All Filters
6. Click on Add Filter

7. Enter Any Filter Name which you can remember later like “Exclude Internal Traffic“
8. Filter Type – By default, it will be Predefined, let it be, “Custom” is for advanced multiple filters.
9. Filter Type – Select Exclude
10. Select Source or Destination – Select traffic from the IP addresses, as we don’t want to track the views from those IP’s.
11. Select Expression – Here, you need to select “that is equal to“
12. IP Address – Enter your IP address, which you have browser earlier from what’s my IP.

13. Scroll a bit down, select All Web Site Data and click on Add to add the filter.
14. Finally, Hit the Save Button. This will create a filter for your website and help you not tracking your own views.
Isn’t it simple and quick? Doing so you already told, hey Google Analytics ignore me. haha!
Hey, let’s see another way as well,
Stop Google Analytics to Count Your Own Views: Through Chrome Extension
This is going to be pretty much easier compared to the above one, as you just need to install a Google Chrome Extension and add the website from which you would like to avoid Google Analytics to not track your views.
1. Install a Google Chrome Extension Block Yourself From Analytics. For Mozilla, Users click here to get the Add on.
2. Click the added icon in the chrome bar

3. Click on the Options, a dialog box will open,

4. You can add the sites you want to block, and click on Save and Apply.
That’s it, this process will easily exclude Exclude Internal Traffic Data in Google Analytics, and you will get the correct data to Analyze.
Final Words to Stop Google Analytics to count your own views
Doesn’t matter what, if you have run your business or probably a blog, Google Analytics is the tool that will help you out throughout the journey. I hope this tutorial has answered the question How do you stop Google Analytics from tracking your own visits?
Very Nice Article Navin Sir Glad to see your Wonderful Progress
Thank you Umer.
Nice article Navin Rao.
This article really helpful to me.
Thank you..
Glad it helped you. 🙂
Yea, it helped me. Thanks dear for sharing.
Glad it helped you! Stay Tuned for more…
Correct Google Analytics stats are really important to grow the blog. This process will certainly going to stop tracking your own views from it. Happy Blogging!
I needed this article very much brother
Thanks for sharing this amazing article.
Great article Navin, In a very small Guide, you have explained it very well.
Thanks for sharing such a really helpful article.
Great tutorial Navin.
Truly, as new blogger, we love to see activity in our Google Analytics; but it is better to be upfront and remove ourselves from the final visitor number count.
That way we know for sure whether our SEO is growing our traffic or what.
Great guide, Navin:)
Analysing blog is very important.It helps us write content up to the democracy.
Appreciate your work.Keep it up.
Navin, what a fantastic post! Now, I learned 2 more methods on how to tell Google not to track my views. I am a Blogspot user. The method I always do is logging into my dashboard. And ticking the radio button of “don’t track my views for this blog” within my stats overview. Which is exhausting. I prefer to apply your Blocking my IP Address via Google Analytics method. Because I don’t need to log in every time to tick that radio button. Can’t wait to tell hey Google Analytics ignore me. Ha-ha!
Probably, most of the beginners will search for this kind of stuffs. How to stop Google analytics to track their own visits. Great article. And, does it can stop tracking their own incognito visits too?
Great piece of information. I believe newbies will like this as this will help them to tack down the actual traffic. By any chance do you have any idea how to loaclly host the analytics code? The two http calls are bothering me and thinking if I can locally host those. I already locally hosted Google fonts but not sure though about hosting analytics code.
I was looking for this one very helpful article.
Hey Navin
I wan looking for this… Thank you for sharing this guide it helped me to block my visits to my own sites.
Hey Navin fantastic research got to know something new from this article
appreciate your work and your knowledge
The work needs to be shared so Kudos to you!
Hey Navin
I wan looking for this… Thank you for sharing this guide it helped me to block my visits to my own sites.
I was looking for this one very helpful article.
You can track your own visit by implementing data science and machine learning algorithm and also generate a valuable insight of visitors!