Navin Rao


How To Add Google Analytics Event Tracking in WordPress

How to Add Google Analytics Event Tracking in WordPress

Adding custom event tracking in Google Analytics is the way to analyze your website performance. Creating events in Google Analytics will help you evaluate all your crucial links and strategize the content. In this article, I will walk you through…

Best WordPress Security Plugins

5 Best WordPress Security Plugins To Keep Hackers Away

WordPress, being the most crowded content publishing platform around the globe, attracts various hackers too. Thus, all those who want to safeguard their website from hackers can use WordPress Security Plugins. And it’s necessary. There are dozens of Security Plugins…

Best WordPress Caching Plugins

8 Best WordPress Caching Plugins to SpeedUp the Blog

Are you willing to improve traffic towards your blog? Let me help, here are the finest WordPress caching plugins options for your site. These plugins will boost your site loading speed and traffic too. Installing a Caching Plugin helps not…

Contact Form Plugins for WordPress

8 Best Contact Form Plugins for WordPress Site

A webmaster should definitely learn to know how to include the contact form into the WordPress site. A website would look peculiar without a contact page or contact info. Obviously, whom to reach? Definitely contact form is a good way…