How to Create a Quiz in WordPress Website: Engage your Reader

If you are looking to increase the user engagement on your WordPress website, then you must try creating quizzes. Not just it helps to engage readers with your site and allows you to educate them in a practical manner.

Your user would love to be part of those quizzes. Hence, those tend to be most shareable too, and eventually go viral on the internet. You just need to create the perfect quiz on your blog or website.

When I say perfect, the few websites comes into mind. Buzzfeed, National Geographic, political leaders, Vogue, and Uber, etc.

These are just to name a few. They are successful in creating quizzes and letting the readers stay on their website for a long time.

Why Add Quizzes to Your WordPress Site?

Who doesn’t want to have fun while learning too? Although, the quiz can be created, keeping fun in mind as well. As Buzzfeed does.

check quizzes are their one of the most visited category.

How to Create a Quiz in WordPress Website: Engage your Reader 1

True marketers know the value of conducting quizzes and squeezing the right required information from the audience. There are several purposes for creating quizzes on your website.

  • Get more traffic to the website
  • Increase User Engagement and more page views.
  • Reduce the Bounce Rate of the site for better Seach Engine Rankings.
  • Create Personality Quizzes
  • Take Surveys, to take customer requirements, and help them find the right product and make profits.
  • Create Interactive List Posts
  • Increase Subscribers and turn them into loyal audiences.

Types of Quizzes you can create

If you wondering, what kind of quiz you can create. Then no worries, there are several types of quizzes which works great, you need to choose according to your blog niche. Let me through some Quiz ideas to give a kick start.

Few for the Niche Websites,

  • Take Online Exams
  • Create Trivia Quizzes
  • Create Fun Facebook Quiz Site as well (Suitable for General Websites)
  • Personality Quiz Type
  • Swiper Quiz Type
  • List Quiz Type

I am sure you realized how important they are. Let see into action and learn how to create create a quiz in WordPress blog or website.

How To Make a Quiz in WordPress – 4 Simple Steps

Well, no wonder only the right tool can execute the right output. Hence, we will be using Formidable Forms to get the best out of it.

Although there are several paid and free Quiz plugins available too to choose from. But good creation is achievable with a good product.

In fact, it’s a complete solution for all kinds of forms. Be it Quiz, surveys, Contact Forms, Advance Calculation, Quote calculators, etc. It is ca[able to do so many things.

You must have a glance at all the Advanced features of Formidable Pro Plugin.

wordpress form builder features

1. Quickly Purchase and install Formidable Forms

Get Formidable Form Pro Plugin from the official site.

You need to go for their Business plans to make a Quiz get created. As the quiz add-on starts from their business plan.

Moreover, it also unveils many extra options. Certainly more than just a contact forms builder and worth every penny to grow your business.

Activate the license on your WordPress site

To Activate the license you need to install the Formidable lite version and connect the licenses from there. Follow the simple steps to do so.

  1. Go to WP Dashboard >> Plugins >> New
  2. Search for “Formidable“. Install the plugin and activate it.
  3. Go to the Formidable >> Global Settings.
  4. Click the Connect an Account button.
global settings enter license key

Note: If not logged in, the login screen appears. Enter your formidable account user credentials.

  1. Now, click on the button Connect to WordPress
connect to wordpress
  1. This might take just a few seconds to download the package and link the license with the account.

Once done, you will be all set to create ultimate forms for your website with ease, as it offers drag and drops features too. Perfect for non-techies and time save for techies too.

2. Download and install the Quiz Maker Add-on

You have installed Formidable Forms Pro Plugin on your Website, what now?

Well, its time to activate or install the quiz maker add-on. Its easy, you can from the plugin dashboard.

  1. Hop into your WP Dashboard >> Formidable >> Add-Ons.
  2. Click on the Install button for quiz Maker add-on.

No, you are done, you are ready to create some interactive quiz for readers. Always think from the reader’s perspective and sprinkle your creativity while making a quiz.

3. Create a Quiz form

Finally. Excited?

Remember, you can always edit the Quiz, but create the best one to make an impact.

steps are pretty much simple as creating forms.

  1. Create a form in Formidable, WP Dashboard >> Formidable >> Add New
create form add new button

Creating a form would be like cake walk and fun, as you can see the drag and drop feature here.

Simply, drag the required fields from the right pane and drop it with the editor. Every field you add will connect with readers as questions.

You can include Checkboxes, radio buttons dropdowns to create a perfect quiz. That’s not it, you can even upload the files. And moreover, the Recaptcha will save the forms from spam.

There are a bunch of features, will let you create a perfect quiz.

create a form drag drop

Add a quiz score field

Well, the result time. I know you have created an engaging quiz form. How to show viewers the result?

Well, the form gets created, you will see section Quiz Score,

  • Click on Add on Entry
  • Fill the respective answers
quiz score field

Once clicked, you will be able to add all the correct answers here as a result. Done, yes it’s that simple.

Now the question comes, do you want your readers to see the result answers once they completed quiz? Of course YES.

You just need to copy the shortcode and paste in the form success message. That will make your users see the results.

4. Publish your quiz form

So you have created an awesome and engaging quiz form, now where to publish it?

Usually can do it anywhere on a WordPress website, either it could be a post or page.

publish form add form

It easy to add those, using shortcodes builder or placing it manually and even you can use the Formidable form block from your Gutenberg block editor.

Using a form block

Formidable add form editor

Well, that it. You are done. You become a quiz creator now.

Final Thoughts – Creating Quiz can be magical?

If you have a long term site and have great skills. Then you need to prove it with your audience. Not by telling them, but by educating them, and eventually, it gets proved.

Making a quiz is a fun way to engage with the readers and also have several benefits out of it. It’s up to you how you shine it and conduct quizzes on your WordPress website. And Formidable Forms give your the maximum flexibility to create an engaging and viral quiz.

Become a quiz master.

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